Saturday, January 8, 2011

Paleo - Day 6

Well we have made it almost a week. It has been a tough week, much tougher than I anticipated. The first three days were really hard but about day 4 we started to turn a corner and it started to get a little easier. Except for last night.

We went to a "gender reveal party" last night to find out the gender of a good friends baby, and it was pure torture. There was cakes, cookies, cheese, crackers, and cheesecakes. Ugh. I was doing ok and then people kept offering me cake and sugary was really difficult. The only thing there we could eat was a plate of strawberries. I had already reached my limit for the day on fruit, but if eating a few extra strawberries keeps me from eating a huge slice of chocolate-chocolate cake, I am going to do it.

We have been looking for variety in our meals because everything we have been eating either has eggs, tomatoes or beef in it. So I spent some time looking through an old Rachael Ray cookbook called "30 Minute GET REAL Meals" which was her take on the low carb and Atkins craze a few years ago. I started reading through it for some inspiration and then I went to the farmers market and found a STEAL on fennel so I made a delicious lunch today. We had mini-turkey sausage burgers with fennel and orange salad.

I took some ground turkey and added fennel seed which makes ground meat taste like sausage, and also added onion powder and red pepper flakes. I drizzled them in grapeseed oil and grilled them off. I also grilled the stems of the fennel, but it turned out too tough to really eat. Meanwhile, I cut up the fennel bulb, segmented two oranges, zested and juiced half of a lemon, added a little pepper and drizzled with a little bit of oil to create the salad. It was a pretty good lunch to wake my taste-buds up again.


  1. I'm impressed. I have never cooked with fennel.

  2. That fennel salad looks awesome . might have to branch out and try that. I've never tried it either.

  3. Fennel is great! You guys should try it. It has a little bit of a licorice flavor and the combo with the orange and the crunchy fennel was really good!
