Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Double Meat

Double meat has been our life lately. Thats the good thing about Paleo, but it is also the really expensive part of Paleo. Still struggling with the costs of all the food and the feeling of being hungry almost all of the time, but I am adjusting. We are already at Day 10, one-third of the way through!

I bought some bok choy at the Farmers Market this
week and I decided that I better use it! So I decided to make a big stir-fry. I pulled out all the veggies in the fridge and
just started chopping. My husband came out of the bedroom and said, "Well, I can see that your knife works...." I chopped up zucchini, broccoli, celery, carrots, onion and bok choy. I also bought some organic, grass fed, open pasture beef at the farmers market that was already cut into stir fry strips. I just love the name, Lucky Dog Ranch. I sauteed all of this in a huge skillet with garlic, powdered ginger, red pepper flakes and sesame seeds. This made a huge amount of stir fry! But it was delicious and another good change of pace.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Paleo - Day 6

Well we have made it almost a week. It has been a tough week, much tougher than I anticipated. The first three days were really hard but about day 4 we started to turn a corner and it started to get a little easier. Except for last night.

We went to a "gender reveal party" last night to find out the gender of a good friends baby, and it was pure torture. There was cakes, cookies, cheese, crackers, and cheesecakes. Ugh. I was doing ok and then people kept offering me cake and sugary was really difficult. The only thing there we could eat was a plate of strawberries. I had already reached my limit for the day on fruit, but if eating a few extra strawberries keeps me from eating a huge slice of chocolate-chocolate cake, I am going to do it.

We have been looking for variety in our meals because everything we have been eating either has eggs, tomatoes or beef in it. So I spent some time looking through an old Rachael Ray cookbook called "30 Minute GET REAL Meals" which was her take on the low carb and Atkins craze a few years ago. I started reading through it for some inspiration and then I went to the farmers market and found a STEAL on fennel so I made a delicious lunch today. We had mini-turkey sausage burgers with fennel and orange salad.

I took some ground turkey and added fennel seed which makes ground meat taste like sausage, and also added onion powder and red pepper flakes. I drizzled them in grapeseed oil and grilled them off. I also grilled the stems of the fennel, but it turned out too tough to really eat. Meanwhile, I cut up the fennel bulb, segmented two oranges, zested and juiced half of a lemon, added a little pepper and drizzled with a little bit of oil to create the salad. It was a pretty good lunch to wake my taste-buds up again.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1 of Paleo

So we started eating Paleo today and it wasn't too bad. Scott and I were so tired of eating JUNK for the last two weeks that we were super excited to get started on these 30 days of strict Paleo. Last night I made a huge pot of chili that we will be having for lunches for most of the week and we are trying to figure out dinners. Tonight we had chicken cooked in bacon (yum!) and a salad. Feeling pretty good about it and we will see how it goes. Scott says that he already misses Dr. Pepper and I am already missing bread and sweets, but I am sure the cravings will pass. Last night I took some horribly unflattering photos of myself and took all of my measurements so that at the end of the 30 days I will have something to compare to. I will try to post some Paleo recipes in the next week or two as we get this all figured out!