Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Corn and Pasta

School is out for the summer and therefore, I have lots of time to cook! I was catching up on my 46 hours of Rachael Ray that I have recorded and I came across this recipe for fettuccine with sweet corn and fresh dill. I was inspired by those flavors in this dish and adapted it to go along with what I already had on hand.

I love summertime food, especially corn on the cob. It is such a good deal at the grocery store, I had bought 6 ears of corn for the two of us! We had used one ear of corn in a stir-fry, so I had 5 ears of corn to use. The method that Rachael Ray used was she sautéed half of the ears of corn and making a puree out of the other half.

So I did just as Rachel Ray did. I sautéed half of the ears of corn along with a large onion and lots of red pepper flakes. Once the onions were soft and corn caramelized, I added the corn that was pureed with a little bit of the cooking water from the pasta.

Do you see something else that doesn't belong in the sauce? I forget to hold the blade sometimes and this does happen often. :)

It created a very thick sauce, so I added a little extra of the cooking water to thin out the sauce. Lots of black pepper, parmesan cheese and parsley went into the sauce as well. I then added lots of angel hair pasta and we topped it with crispy turkey bacon. It ended up being a really light (and pretty healthy) summer dish. It ended up being equally good cold today as leftovers. So, if you have lots of corn, try this one out!

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