Thursday, June 24, 2010

Birthday Present

Here she is! I decided to buy the KitchenAid stand mixer and I am so glad that I did! I found a pretty good deal on it at Kohls and they even had it in red!! I used it right away and made homemade marshmallows (post to come soon!).
The super fun part of my birthday was hanging out with some dear friends and going out to Tex Wasabis for dinner and our place for ice cream.

Tex Wasabis is one of Guy Fieris restaurants and we are both big fans of his. The restaurant is a fusion of BBQ and sushi. We tried
some of the "gringo sushi" which is BBQ meats stuffed in the sushi. We had the "kemosabe roll" which had BBQ beef brisket, french fries and garlic chili mayo sauce. We also tried the "screaming gobbler roll" It had roasted turkey, jalapenos, pepper jack cheese and siracha mayo. They
were really good especially since Scott and I don't like real sushi! We also ordered a BBQ beef brisket dinner that was pretty delicious too. All in all, it was a wonderful birthday!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birthday Decisions

My parents gave me some money this year for my birthday and these are the two things I am debating between. The foodie in me really wants the stand mixer but the crafter in me wants the sewing machine. So we will see if the crafter or if the foodie wins out.
The other thing I may use the money for is a digital camera. Mine was stolen during our trip to Southern California. The friends we were staying with had their house broken into and they grabbed both my purse and my friends purse. The neighbors saw it and chased the guy and so he ultimately ditched our purses, but only after he grabbed my cash and camera. We praise God that he only got those two things and not our ids and credit cards too. I wonder what he thought when he realized it was a pink camera with about 200 pictures of food on it....

For my birthday on Saturday we are planning on going to Tex Wasabi's here in Sacramento. Tex Wasabi is one of Guy Fieri's restaurants. We are huge fans of his and we have been to his other restaurant in town, Johnny Garlic's. We have really wanted to try Tex Wasabi's for their "gringo sushi," which is sushi filled with pulled pork or BBQ chicken. I will defiantly post about that adventure!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Corn and Pasta

School is out for the summer and therefore, I have lots of time to cook! I was catching up on my 46 hours of Rachael Ray that I have recorded and I came across this recipe for fettuccine with sweet corn and fresh dill. I was inspired by those flavors in this dish and adapted it to go along with what I already had on hand.

I love summertime food, especially corn on the cob. It is such a good deal at the grocery store, I had bought 6 ears of corn for the two of us! We had used one ear of corn in a stir-fry, so I had 5 ears of corn to use. The method that Rachael Ray used was she sautéed half of the ears of corn and making a puree out of the other half.

So I did just as Rachel Ray did. I sautéed half of the ears of corn along with a large onion and lots of red pepper flakes. Once the onions were soft and corn caramelized, I added the corn that was pureed with a little bit of the cooking water from the pasta.

Do you see something else that doesn't belong in the sauce? I forget to hold the blade sometimes and this does happen often. :)

It created a very thick sauce, so I added a little extra of the cooking water to thin out the sauce. Lots of black pepper, parmesan cheese and parsley went into the sauce as well. I then added lots of angel hair pasta and we topped it with crispy turkey bacon. It ended up being a really light (and pretty healthy) summer dish. It ended up being equally good cold today as leftovers. So, if you have lots of corn, try this one out!